private yoga dubai

Inner Child

Inner Child work helps to reconnect with your God – Like Inner Self . Which is all Embracing ,Loving Caring,Creative and Joyful.

We become wounded by either pleasing or demanding from our parents,friends,partners and finally our children for their love and affection.

Social and Family pressure as well as traumatic incidents of our Life a deep impact on our Innermost Self which affects all areas of our Life : Physical,Emotinal,Financial,Mental and even Sexsual and Spiritual.

This Healing Work Focuses on any such experience which have disrupted our True Nature and crubed it from attaining its Highest Potential.

Regain that Lost Self Worth and Confidence by releasing feelings of Shame,Regret,Guilt and Anger . Which could otherwise lead to Depression,IInessess,Anxiety,Self Limiting Beliefs ,Trust Issues or Negative Thought Patterns and a Disconnectedness from Relationships and Life as a whole.

Come bring Unconditional Love and joy back to your Life.

Date : 1st Dec’2018 @ 19:30 pm
Venue : Dhyana Dubai
Charges ; AED 350 + VAT
RSVP at 0561370042