Kundalini Yoga and Meditation In Dubai, UAE

Kundalini Yoga in Dubai

If you are looking to feel more uplifted and centered in you truest nature. Then Kundalini yoga is for you. It’s a energetic blend of spiritual and physical practices, Kundalini Yoga incorporates movement, dynamic breathing techniques, meditation, and the chanting of mantras. . The goal is to build physical vitality and increase consciousness.

Yoga means “union” and it is a flowing and grounding practice designed to ignite the inner fire and cleanse both body and mind of the clutter that no longer serve us.  It teaches us to “let go”, filter out distractions and “just be”. We begin to feel freer, less reactive in stressful situations and more at peace within ourselves. In union, there is no separation.  Spirit is mind, mind is body and all have to be balanced to live a free and happy healthy holly life.  Yoga and meditation is a direct path to becoming more aware of all of ourselves and from here we can make more life-enhancing choices.
Kundalini Yoga is open to all and anyone can take part. If you can breathe, chant a mantra and move, it will benefit you. There is no need to be flexible or fit, in fact no previous experience of yoga required to achieve results in your very first class. Some postures require a degree of mobility and there are always adaptations to suit individual needs. Kundalini Yoga is a transformative, powerful and yet practical yoga. It works quickly to bring both grace and balance to your life and the ability to remain calm and centred through all of life’s challenges.
Through the use of postures, breathing, mantras, relaxation and meditation, Kundalini Yoga will help to:

* Increase your health & immunity
* Strengthen your nervous & glandular system
* Reduce stress & increase your vitality & stamina
* Release stress, old patterns & limitations
* Calm the mind & bring you inner peace
* Gain inner strength, courage & character
* Bring you self love, trust & compassion
* Help you to meet challenges in your life
* Awaken awareness and consciousness

Master yourself and awaken your full potential using the science of Kundalini yoga